Why we partnered with Customer First Digital...
Having acquired Face the Future in early 2020 and with an ambition to grow the business, we believed that it was essential to engage someone with experience who would complement our existing team. We were introduced to Dave and Customer First Digital by someone in our network and as the saying goes, the rest is history.
What has been delivered so far…
Dave has become an extension of our team, working across all areas of our retail operation. Specific areas delivered include …
Comprehensive review of our digital activity, identifying quick win changes and longer-term roadmap for change
Facilitated the full end to end process of identifying, running the request for proposals (pitches) and seamlessly onboarding a new affiliate network
Worked closely with our Head of Ecommerce to determine the requirements for our safe migration from our legacy ecommerce platform to Shopify
Understand what digital data is available and embedding this into the business, to inform operational and proposition planning
Helped us understand more about our customers, including their shopping behaviours and applied this to our marketing campaigns
Transferred knowledge and experience to our team, through a formalised and bespoke training programme
Identified, led and worked with our team on key strategic projects, to future proof the business
Collaborated with the development of our peak trading plan and supported with the delivery of our best peak trading period
How we have benefited…
We immediately benefited as a result of Dave’s approach. Specific benefits includes …
Improved Return on Investment across all digital marketing channels
24% YOY Increase in revenue, from both new and existing customers
Enhanced our digital and retail knowledge
Streamlined existing and identified and introduced new processes
More confident, engaged team that use data to make informed decisions

What we think…
Dave has quickly integrated himself within the business and the Ecommerce Team, winning over those members of the team that were cynical about bringing an external consultant on board. His knowledge, experience and network connections have enabled us to achieve objectives much quicker than expected and bring future aspirations forward. He works above and beyond, contributing and delivering on projects that don’t naturally fit within his remit. He has become the sounding board for the majority of the management team who are keen to get Dave’s view on things.
Paul Thompson and Julia Barcoe Thompson
Owners of Face the Future