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Author: Lewis Stretton 
Shocked and surprised was my reaction to learn that it has been over 2 years since I joined Customer First Digital, but it’s been an enjoyable, fun, and knowledgeable journey. Now that I have the time to reflect and look back at my last 2 years, I am looking forward to sharing the journey that has helped me achieve, what I have learnt in my first 2 years of Digital Marketing. 

What work I have done? 

2 years in and I have learnt so much about Digital Marketing, from Affiliate Marketing, Paid Ads to Customer First Digital Marketing Activity. There has been so much work I have done, that I can’t mention it all. 
However, one of my favourite bits of work this year was when I attended the Affiliate Huddle for the second year running. With my understanding of Affiliate Marketing being a lot stronger this time around and having emailed many of the publishers and their employees at the event, it was nice to put a face to them and have a nice catch-up. We discussed the latest changes and innovations in Affiliate Marketing. 
Another thing has been the support I have brought to all the partners here at CFD. With Suzanne teaching me most of what I know about Affiliate Marketing, my confidence to attend weekly calls with some of our clients has grown. Suzanne has also taught me the day-to-day work, which has been great to see, as it has helped us witness the growth of our clients throughout this time. It's been exciting to see partners like Chunk of Devon and Baked to Taste grow due to the work I am supporting. Overall, the work I have completed with Suzanne and Dave in Affiliate Marketing has helped me pass on this knowledge to other members of the team. 
Other work I have enjoyed doing, which isn't strictly about Digital Marketing, is the training and teaching of both apprentices, Liv and Joe, as well as Cerie, our Brand Partnership Manager. One thing I have learned from the training is that everyone’s learning style is different, which has challenged me at times. However, no matter how challenging it may be, it is rewarding to see their growth and for them to learn something new. 

My proudest moment 

Without a shadow of a doubt, my proudest moment this year at CFD was achieving a distinction and completing the Digital Marketing Apprenticeship at Customer First Digital. A lot of hard work and effort went into my studies at Hull College, and I was incredibly proud to discover that it had paid off. 
Continuing on the topic of apprenticeships, another proud moment in my second year at CFD was being nominated for the Digital & Creative Apprentice of the Year. Although I didn’t win, being noticed and nominated for my work at Hull College made me very happy and proud of what I have accomplished.  
My third proudest moment was the team effort that led Customer First Digital to win the Rakuten Advertising Golden Link Awards – Agency of the Year. Knowing that I was part of the team and contributed to winning such a prestigious award was truly a proud moment. 

Outside of work 

There have been many events as a team I have partaken in. Whether it's going out for winter/summer socials, with Team Apprentices beating Team Bosses at the Cube, or beating Dave this year at the Euro Fantasy Football, it is great to spend time with the team outside of the office. 
A new hobby of mine, which all started from CFD, is ice skating. With the team sponsoring the Hull Jets Ice Hockey Team for the 23/24 season and attending the majority of the home games, I got into ice skating and often attend with Liv most weeks. 
There have been multiple meals with the team, as well as participating in our yearly escape room challenges. We have a 100% escape rate so far! Overall, there are many activities we do as a team outside of work. 

The Future 

I am excited to see what the future brings. With the last two years bringing three new faces and Teddy to the team, it's thrilling to see our team grow. I'm also looking forward to potentially working with new partners. In conclusion, the last two years have been great, and I am looking forward to continuing to work with such a fantastic team. 
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